Goals of the Start-Up
Development and implementation of a device for the measurement, management and communication of the physical and environmental parameters that establish the limit values to which an electrical line can be subjected in different conditions of use such as, for example, the maximum allowable value of transportable current depending on the environmental thermal conditions or the mechanical state of the line conductors both in nominal and accidental conditions (Dynamic Line Rating). An international patent application has already been filed for the device

FESR Notice n.1/2023
In 2024, financial support of €349,999.89 was granted for the development of the newly formed Algortec S.r.l. thanks to the innovative nature and scalability of the project submitted under the FESR Notice no. 1/2023 – Contributions for the development of innovative start-ups.

Alm-1 Line Monitor
Is a patented device developed by Algortec for monitoring, surveying, managing and communicating in real time all physical, environmental and mechanical parameters of power lines

AEIT Conference
Presentation of ALM-1
ALM-1 is the new device patented and developed by Algortec, an engineering company from the Energy Technology Centre. This device increases the real-time monitoring, surveying, management and communication of all physical, environmental and mechanical parameters of power lines. One of the best devices recently released on the market and destined for a great future in its application ALM-1 and the future ALM-2
AEIT Conference
ALM-1 prototype presentation